Graphing Questions

Use quadratic, linear, and exponential equation questions with an interactive graph for students to plot their answers. 

See quick instructions in this article. >>


Plus More!

We’ve also made these updates and fixes:

  • Update: Enhanced analysis of student responses to Short Answer questions to include acceptable variations of the correct answer.
  • Update: For districts, Scope & Sequence will log which administrators post and edit district assets 
  • Update: Maximize visibility of WebClicker view
  • Update: Weekly Formative Assessment (WFA) added to list of new assessment types
  • Update: Ability to share embed links from Scope and Sequence with the correct distribution and availability rules
  • Updated: Improved speed of Exit Tickets page
  • Fixed: Moving user to a different campus, issue moving their assessments
  • Fixed: Questions without a defined answer could cause problems administering test
  • Fixed: Team Leader “Show Common Assessment” PLC view setting was applying to campus admin view
  • Fixed: Private Data feature issues in ASSIST 
  • Fixed: Match Table Grid UI issue 
  • Fixed: HotSpot question Ui Issue
  • Fixed: Issue with recovery emails after user is moved to new campus
  • Fixed: UI spinner quirk after launching active sessions from Home page
  • Fixed: Edit Key & Standards permissions issue after assessment owner change
  • Fixed: UI issues creating long and short answer TE questions