Fast, Convenient Scanning
Grade on the spot in seconds.
Give instant feedback & identify gaps.
Sync data to your grade book.
Fast and Flexible
Many Device Options
- Apple and Android phones and tablets
- Mac/Windows computers with built-in cameras or doc cams
Low-Prep Assessment
- Use digital or paper tests you already have – just punch in a simple answer key.
- Pick from our item banks and other pre-authored content.
- Team members or admins can take turns making materials and sharing them.
Efficient Bubble Sheets
- Print plain-paper bubble sheets from your account’s “Classes” tab.
- Each sheet has a QR-Code to auto-detect student.
- Not test-specific. Photocopy them or reuse with wet-erase markers and lamination or sheet protectors.
- Big-bubble versions for young learners.
Question Types
- Y/N, T/F, Multiple choice up to ABCDE, ABCD/FGHJ
- Rubrics and written responses can be manually graded on the device/computer very easily.
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Today’s misconceptions don’t have to become tomorrow’s missteps. Get connected with us today and see how ALL In Learning could impact your district or campus.
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